Is your business establishment safe from unhealthy competition? Every business establishment needs
to investigate about the background of those companies whom they are doing business with. As an
owner of the company, it is your need to ensure the safety of your business dealings. You need to
know the financial stability of the company that your company is doing business with, Safety of your
patents, trademark, and copy-right design related infringements.
Our network identifies and traces out the origin of manufacture, copy or design. We also identify
the company or people in question, and provide immediate action against them like, obtaining
warrants for raids, court prosecution on behalf of clients and also help them to reach civil
remedies in appropriate cases.
We work in close alliance with law enforcement's and government agencies. We also help in organizing
raids and making seizures under trademarks, copyrights, patents and design laws and thus effectively
immobilizing the offenders.
We offer you our services 24/7 across the globe. Our databases can easily help us to locate the
crime or criminal. Our goal is to give you the most authentic and accurate verified information in
strictly confidential manner.
Doubt is a poison that disintegrates relationships and breaks up faith and friendships. It can only
be cleared by action.
There could be a lot of doubts that may be troubling you. You may be suspicious of your spouse,
friend or business partner.
You may be having doubts about the behaviour and integrity of your employee(s).All these doubts can
only be cleared by proper but discreet verification.
Cosmopolitan Detective agency has a wide network of full time private detectives / investigators /
spies offering a wide array of services round the clock In Mumbai, India. Cosmopolitan agency has an
excellent track record of successfully investigating & solving 50,000 plus cases both at personal
and corporate level.
We have well trained professionals who have years of experience and expertise in surveillance as a
means of gathering intelligence and evidence discreetly. They will shadow the suspect and monitor
and document all their activities using technologically advanced gadgets and devices. They submit an
un-biased and detailed Report fast and accurately along with evidence in the form of video or
photographs that strengthens the credibility of the investigation .These reports are written In
alegally presentable format and can be produced as authentic evidence in the court of law, if the
need arises.
Your spouse might be having an affair or your friend or employee may be involved in something which
might harm you; no matter what the hidden secrets are, Cosmopolitian Detective agency helps you
uncover them all-discreetly, legally and at a very economical rate.